Ganzhi Blindman Massage, Jingan

  • Health
  • Massage
1065 Beijing Xi Lu

What is it? A hidden gem in Jingan that’s excellent value for money, with many blind and partially sighted massage staff expertly working out knots and pains.

What do you get? Offered in private rooms, this foot massage starts with a no-nonsense neck and shoulder rub, before the enthusiastic masseuse gets to work on your feet using scented oil. Parts are excruciating, parts are ticklish and parts are relaxing, with diligent therapists explaining which part of your body relates to which part of your feet.

Plus points After your feet are rubbed clean by a toasty warm towel, you can stay in the spa as long as you like. Tatami mats on a heated floor are open for all visitors, meaning you can prolong your visit by lounging around for hours and avoiding the hectic streets outside. All-in-all, this is great value for money.

Price 98RMB for one hour, 68RMB if you become a member.

There are five branches dotted around Jingan and Pudong and the place is popular with Chinese women, a good indication of professional massages and no funny business.

See all Ganzhi Blindman Massage locations.

Venue name: Ganzhi Blindman Massage, Jingan
Opening hours: 10am-2am daily
Metro: Nanjing Xi Lu
English address: 1065 Beijing Xi Lu, near Jiangning Lu, Jingan district
Chinese address: 静安区北京西路1065号,近江宁路