How to make xiaolongbao

Follow this step-by-step illustration to cook dumplings at home

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Sure you've seen or eaten enough delicious dumplings at various xiaolongbao restaurants in the city. It will be fun to make some at home. See the illustration below and learn how to make the Shanghai's favourite snack.

"HOW_TO_XLB_ailadi"1. Boil pig skin and water until it makes a 'soup'
2. Cool that mixture so it firms up (this is the trick to make the soup inside the dumplin: the pig skin makes a type of gelatin)
3. Mix that with the ground pork filling
4. Make dough and let it rest
5. Cut dough off into small bits
6. Roll out dough
7. Put filling in dough
8. Make the folds on top to close the dumplings
9. Steam
10. Serve with either vinegar or chilly oil sauce
