Jingan Community Centre

  • Sports & Fitness
  • Classes
Photograph: courtesy Jingan Community Centre
1855 Xinzha Lu
Find a spot for some of the cheapest gym sessions in town at the enormous Jingan Community Centre. The gym equipment is limited – the room has eight machines total (two treadmills, a stationary bike, plus various weight machines and dumbells) – but the space is clean. Note: there are no locker rooms to speak of – get changed quickly in the bathrooms before your workout. Entry costs10RMB per hour with the purchase of a 100RMB membership card.
Venue name: Jingan Community Centre
Opening hours: Gym open 8.45am-8.15pm daily
Metro: Jingan Temple
English address: RM308 1855 Xinzha Lu, near Yanping Lu, Jingan district
Chinese address: 静安区新闸路1855号308室,近延平路