Jingan Sports Centre

  • Sports & Fitness
  • Sports Venues
151 Kangding Lu

A thoroughly utilitarian sort of pool (pictured inset) that offers the full Chinese swimming pool experience – including the requisite swimming cap and a cursory consultation with a doctor upon joining, who all being well will issue you with a health certificate (for 5RMB) permitting you to swim. The 25 x 50m nine-lane pool is designed for competitive swimming, and while not everyone uses it for this, it’s a good place to get some lengths in.

Venue name: Jingan Sports Centre
Opening hours: Mon-Fri 3.30-9pm Sat-Sun 1-9pm
Admission: 35RMB from 3.30-5pm; 40RMB every 90mins from 5pm o
Metro: Changping Lu
English address: 151 Kangding Lu , near Jiangning Lu, Jingan district
Chinese address: 静安区体育中心游泳馆 康定路151号, 近江宁路