Lanling Flower and Bird Market

  • Shops & Services
  • Markets
Photograph: Yu Zhiming
1539 Lingshi Lu
Located in a residential area in Putuo District, this huge market is incredibly well organised: flower pots are nicely arranged and prices are hand written on pieces of cardboard with plant names, origins and tips for maintenance. What makes it well worth a trip is that many shops specialise in one type of plant (orchids, miniature bonsais or peonies, for example), giving the feeling that vendors know and love what they do here.
Venue name: Lanling Flower and Bird Market
Opening hours: Daily 8am-6pm
Metro: Xincun Road
English address: 1539 Lingshi Lu, near Nanhuayuan Lu, Putuo district
Chinese address: 灵石路1539号,近南花园路