Shuangji Floriculture

  • Shops & Services
  • Markets
Photograph: Yu Zhiming
1122 Yanggao Nan Lu
Located not far from central Pudong, Shuangji Flower Market is a huge space, with potted flowers and plants on the east side and cut flowers on the west. Walking into the space feels like wandering through a botanical garden. While the prices of potted flowers may not be as good, the trees and greenery are an unexpected bargain. There are also shops specialising in flowerpots, offering a variety of designs that go with different types of plants.
Venue name: Shuangji Floriculture
Opening hours: 8am-7pm daily
English address: 1122 Yanggao Nan Lu, near Pujian Lu, Pudong district
Chinese address: 浦东新区杨高南路1122号, 近浦建路